

MTCFeatures is a Python 3 module. Python 2 is not supported.

The requests module should be installed:

$ pip install requests

Installation from PyPI

The easiest way to install MTCFeatures is using pip:

$ pip install MTCFeatures

Next, you need to install the data (see below).

Installation from source

Download the latest release from github and run the included script:

Next, you need to install the data (see below).

Install the data

After installing the module, the datafiles need to be installed separately. Execute the following code in Python.

from MTCFeatures import downloadData

This will install the data files in a platform specific data directory in user space. If you want the data files in a system wide directory, which would make the data available to all users, use dest=’system’. Make sure you have write permissions in the system wide data directory.

Data only

If you only want to use the data, visit the data repository at Zenodo: